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Performance Tables

Whole School Performance 2019 


A school is judged on how many children achieve a 'Good Level of Development' (GLD) by the end of Reception.  For a child to reach a GLD they must achieve the expected standard in the prime areas of learning.


Year 1

The number of children who passed the National Phonics Screening test is as follows:

Year 1 Phonics %

Year 2

The table below shows the percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard (EXS) or above in each subject.

%EXS+ Reading                       %EXS+ Writing                             %EXS+ Maths                    % Combined
         72                                             63                                                66                                               55

Year 6

The table below shows the percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard (EXS) or above in each subject. The children are assessed formally in reading, grammar and maths. Teacher assessment is used in writing.


%EXS+            Progress          %EXS+           Progress      %EXS+        %EXS+       Progress   %Combined

Reading                                  Writing                                SPAG          Maths

65                        -0.1                 67                  +1.5             70               72                 +1                 57


Click on the link below to see our full Academy performance tables.  

They include Key Stage 2, Value Added and Absence.

Performance Tables